A Lot Of Online Consumers Don't Have Exactly A Very Favourable View Of Automated Communication Software aka Bots.
Are You Ready To Grow Your Target Audience Today Using The Power Of Chatbots On Facebook?
You will know five reasons why you’d be crazy not to get a chatbot for your business. Then you get break down the benefits in the 3 primary areas (marketing, sales and support).
Your bot will open up an entirely new marketing channel for your business. We build Bots that are literal lead generation machines, capturing new prospects in ways you’ve never imaged. Once engaged, your Bot will create a personalized experience for each user, keeping them coming back again and again..
Your new Bot will not only capture leads, but it has the ability to help turn those leads into buyers both online and offline. So no matter your business, you’d be crazy to not add a customer-getting chatbot to your sales team. Your Bot won’t even expect a sales commission.
It has been estimated that by the year 2025 chatbots will power 85% of all customer service interactions. Needless to say, this can result in significant cost savings. Even better though is that the time saved can allow your team to focus on what matters most: acquiring and retaining happy customers.
Virrindra Sakpal as a digital marketer specialise in helping you qualify and generate leads online, using chatbot marketing automation.
We offer this service because chatbot help meet business needs and boost brand also.
-- Chatbot gets better open rates.
-- Chatbot gets better engagement
-- Chatbot can deliver personalized experience
Chatbot Messenger Marketing works for both local and worldwide businesses; you can use a Messenger bot to get local customers into your hometown restaurant or use the platform to make international sales on your e-commerce website.
Whatever type of business you have — whether online or brick-and-mortar — Chatbot Messenger Marketing works because it engages customers in an initial conversation and then keeps them interested.
We especially serve eCommerce Shopify sellers, SEO agencies, Gym Fitness clubs with out chatbot marketing automation and advertising.
You want to drive qualified traffic to your website.
You want to automate your engagement with your audience.
You want to automate your engagements with people trying to get more information about your business.
You know that If you want your business to thrive, you need to look no further than Facebook.
You want to learn how to use Facebook Messenger bots to grow your audience.
Click the button below to get your copy
Don't let the word “bot” throw you off.
I can understand why people have all sorts of misgivings regarding this word.
When we think about bots, we think about malicious and seemingly autonomous pieces of code that create all sorts of havoc.
Too many people are trying to be something they're not, and this grinds them down.